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Bureau of Statistics
Executive Council Office
Telephone: (867) 667-5640 or 1-800-661-0408 local 5640 (toll free within the Yukon)
Fax: (867) 393-6203
Location Fourth Floor, Lynn Building,
308 Steele Street, Whitehorse
Mailing Address: Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 (A-8C)
Description: The Bureau of Statistics gathers statistical information, and conducts research, analysis and surveys. The bureau's publications cover a broad range of statistical information on the Yukon's economy and society. The bureau also maintains a reference library of Statistics Canada print and microfiche publications, and has access to their electronic database (CANSIM). Get information at the bureau. s office, or by phone, fax, or email, and from the website. Contact the bureau to have your name placed on a mailing list.
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