Local Psychologist Yukon's Rep on Research Network Board

For Release #05-42
Thursday, Feb 24, 2005

WHITEHORSE -- Psychologist Dr. Jeremy Baumbach has been named the Yukon's representative on the 15-member board of directors governing the Canada Northwest Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research Network. His appointment was announced today by Health and Social Services Minister Peter Jenkins. The board meets for the first time this weekend in Victoria, BC.

The network was established by the four western provinces and three northern territories who make up the Canada Northwest FASD Partnership to coordinate and promote research into prevalence, early intervention, screening and diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. The network reports to the board which reports to the ministers who make up the partnership.

"We are very fortunate to have Dr. Baumbach representing our interests on the board," Jenkins said. "His knowledge and expertise in the area of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder will add greatly to the work of the board and will benefit the Yukon."

Baumbach practices in Whitehorse. He received his doctoral training at the University of Saskatchewan and completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in human sexuality at the University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Since 1998, he has provided clinical services and consultation to a group home for youth with FASD and sexually offending behaviors.

"Dr. Baumbach is very focused on developing effective treatment for persons with FASD. He presents at conferences and has published in the area of adapting standard offender treatment for persons with FASD," Jenkins added.

The minister said his government remains committed to supporting individuals and families with FASD. The research network, which is funded by the seven partners, will support that work.

"We recognize that FASD is a big problem, here and elsewhere and we will continue to work towards creating supports for those already affected, as well as preventing others from becoming affected."

The minister will also be in Victoria this weekend to meet with the board of directors and the chief executive director of the research network, Dr. Sterling Clarren, an internationally recognized expert in FASD. Clarren presented on FASD in the Yukon in 2002. He will also meet with other partnership ministers to discuss the network itself and other partnership business.
