Recognition of Breast Health Awareness Initiatives

For Release #05-279
Friday, Oct 28, 2005

WHITEHORSE -- Health and Social Services Minister Peter Jenkins has commended individuals who are helping recognize October as Breast Health Awareness Month.

"All the agencies, health care providers and women who are helping recognize Breast Health Awareness Month are to be congratulated for their efforts," Jenkins said. The minister singled out the territory's hairdressers who are participating in a joint education and awareness campaign with the Breast Friends working group.

The Breast Friends working group is made up of representatives from the general public, Health and Social Services, Whitehorse General Hospital and First Nations Health. In the past the group has held education and awareness evenings, hosted an awards evening, and last year produced a video on breast health.

"This year, the group has been diligently working with local hairdressers, believing that women spend more time with their hairdressers than they do their doctors," Jenkins said. The Breast Friend group has produced sachets for lingerie drawers, with three key messages reminding women to be aware of breast health.

The sachet will be a regular reminder for women to do regular breast self-examinations, have an annual check-up and if they are over 50, to have a mammogram every two years.

"Working with this group is just another example of how we can build non-traditional partnerships to benefit the health of Yukon women," Jenkins said.
