New Drop Box Will Collect Used Needles

For Release #05-135
Thursday, May 19, 2005

WHITEHORSE -- A new drop box will help reduce the number of used needles littering Whitehorse's public spaces.

The drop box is being installed in front of Blood Ties Four Directions for the safe disposal of used needles. It is a joint initiative of Blood Ties Four Directions, the Yukon Hospital Corporation, the City of Whitehorse and the Department of Health and Social Services.

The partners commissioned a report to examine the use of drop boxes in like-sized communities in Western Canada. As a result Blood Ties Four Directions bought the first drop box and the City of Whitehorse is providing the staff to install it. Use of the box will be evaluated after a few months to determine whether or not to purchase more.

The drop box is expected to be functional by the end of May 2005.

The drop box collects syringes used in intravenous drug use, lancets used by diabetics to measure their blood sugar levels, syringes used by people with chronic conditions to deliver medication, and needles used to administer medication to pets.
