Changes to Medical Travel Program Increase Support to Yukoners

For Release #06-096
Wednesday, Apr 26, 2006

WHITEHORSE - Yukon residents who must travel to another community to receive medical treatment will now receive more money, and sooner.

Health and Social Services Minister Brad Cathers today has announced that the Travel for Medical Treatment program, administered by Insured Health Services, will increase the travel subsidy from $30 per day, to $75 per day. As well, the subsidy will kick in the second day of travel, not the fourth day as previously required.

"An increase to the medical travel subsidy program is something the Yukon public has been requesting for some time," Cathers said. "With the additional $1.6 million under the Territorial Health Access Fund, designated specifically for medical travel, we are now able to meet that request."

Medical travel subsidy is intended to assist with accommodation and meal costs but not to cover all costs. There has not been an increase in the program subsidy for more than 10 years; however, hotel and meal costs have increased substantially. Airfare costs will continue to be covered 100 per cent.

Increases to the program subsidy will also benefit those who must travel within the territory for medical treatment. Individuals in rural communities, who travel by car to Whitehorse, will also see an increase in their travel support. The rate paid per kilometer will increase from 18.5 cents to 30 cents per kilometer. For the first time Yukoners living in rural areas, outside of communities, will also receive this support.

"We are pleased to be able to increase our support for medical travel, both within and outside the Yukon," Cathers said. "This will benefit all Yukoners in accessing provided health care services."

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