New Immunization Reporting Program Rolls Out Successfully

For Release #05-129
Monday, May 16, 2005

WHITEHORSE -- Community health centres in Whitehorse and Haines Junction are leading the territory in using a new records management tool, Health Canadas integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS), to improve the tracking of Yukon immunization records.

"The government is moving to ensure that Yukoners always get the immunization they need, when they need it, by facilitating the tracking of their immunization records throughout the Yukon," Health and Social Services Minister Peter Jenkins said. "This is another innovation in health service delivery that benefits all Yukoners."

This system will eventually ensure that a person's up-to-date immunization record is available no matter where the client is in the Yukon. The Department of Health and Social Services successfully rolled out phase 1 of iPHIS last month in the two community health centres.

The goal of the project is to improve the updating and accessing of Yukon immunization records. Paper immunization records in both communities are being converted to electronic data and staff has been trained to use the system. The second phase of the project involves expanding iPHIS to health centres in all Yukon communities.

Jenkins said the department supports the development of an electronic health record system that is affordable and respects the privacy of personal health information.

This project is funded under the Primary Health Care Transition Fund.
