Medical Students Benefit from New Bursary Program

For Release #06-161
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006

WHITEHORSE - Yukon students entering the medical profession will benefit from a new Medical Education Bursary Program announced today by Health and Social Services Minister Brad Cathers.

"Improving Yukoners' access to family physicians is a major priority of this government," Cathers said. "This is one of two programs under the $12.7 million Heath Human Resources Strategy aimed at enhancing recruitment and retention of family physicians."

The Medical Education Bursary will support Yukoners who are studying to become doctors and follows last month's announcement of a major increase to the nursing bursary program. It will be made available to two new students per year. Successful applicants will receive $10,000 per year for up to four years of medical school, plus an additional $15,000 per year for two years for individuals who take their residency in family medicine. Students already attending medical school may also apply for a bursary for the period remaining in their education or residency.

"We already have a list of Yukon residents interested in the bursary and I know there are more out there. I am pleased to see so many of our young people interested in the health professions," Cathers said.

The application deadline for medical education bursaries is July 31, 2006. The Yukon Family Physician Working Group, comprised of local physicians and department officials, will review applications.

Cathers stated the new Medical Education Bursary Program is one of several new initiatives under the Health Human Resources Strategy. The strategy was announced in March to address the shortage of health professionals in the Yukon.
