Services to Seniors

Home Care

Telephone: (867) 667-5774
Location: 3168 - 3rd Avenue, Whitehorse
Outside Whitehorse, contact a regional Health and Social Services office

Home care helps people who are unable to fully care for themselves at home. Enables the elderly, disabled, and terminally ill to remain in their homes. Also assists families who are caring for the elderly or chronically ill at home.

Pioneer Utility Grant

Telephone: (867) 667-5137
Location: Seniors Information Centre, 3168 3rd Avenue; or the Information Desk in the Yukon Government Administration Building, Second Avenue, Whitehorse

Pioneer Utility Grant helps eligible people 65 and over with home heating costs. Applications (english and french) are available from Seniors Information Centre.


Telephone: (867) 667-5403
Location: Fourth Floor, Financial Plaza, 204 Lambert Street for Health Services; Outside Whitehorse contact a regional Health & Social Services office

Pharmacare pays the total cost of all prescription drugs for Yukon seniors. You must be a Yukon resident registered with the Yukon Health Care and not be absent from the Yukon for more than 183 consecutive days per year. You must be aged 65 or older, or aged 60 or older and married to a living Yukon resident over 65. You can apply for a Pharmacare card at your nearest territorial agent or the Health Services Branch in Whitehorse. You can print off an Application for Senior Care Benefits (Pharmacare and extended benefits).

Yukon Income Supplement

Telephone: (867) 667-5674

Yukon Income Supplement provides a monthly income for seniors to supplement federal assistance programs.

Other Services

Care Consent Act
Yukon Capability and Consent Board