Adult Protection and Decision-Making Act

The Adult Protection and Decision-Making Act provides a range of tools to assist adults (19 and older) who have some diminished ability to make their own decisions. Tools include Supported Decision-Making Agreements, Representation Agreements, court-appointed guardianship and adult protection for adults who may be abused or neglected and unable to seek their own help.

Specially trained social workers in Health and Social Services are now designated to look into reports of adult abuse and neglect where the adult is unable to seek their own help. Social workers focus on supporting and assisting the adult who is abused or neglected. The Act also provides some legal tools for assisting adults including warrants of entry and adult protection orders (e.g. restraining orders). However, the social workers will use the least intrusive method and work with the adult to reduce risk. For more information call the Health and Social Services social workers in Whitehorse at 456-3946. Outside of Whitehorse, contact your Regional Social Worker.

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