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Extension Services

The Agriculture Branch provides advice to farmers in all aspects of farm management, production, marketing, conservation techniques, new farm technology, and farm financing.

The branch offers on-farm and in-office consultations to commercial producers, hobby farmers and other interested people throughout the Yukon. These services provide a link between new research and on-farm application:

This includes land development, soil conservation, irrigation, building and fence design, regulatory services and programs. We provide advise to farmers seeking agricultural land to start or expand a commercial farm enterprise that focuses on products that are agronomically viable and economically attractive.

The Canada Plans Service, available at the Agriculture Branch, has over 100 plans on most farm buildings, root cellars, livestock shelters, greenhouses and grain storage structures. Up to 30 of these plans are used by Yukon producers each year.

Extension services address all types of production methods for crops, forages, pastures, livestock, game farming, etc. and includes equipment uses, grazing management and control, fertilization, disease, pest control, processing and storage techniques.

The feed, soil and forage testing service is one of the our most popular programs. Producers can bring in samples which are shipped to laboratories for analysis. This way, farmers can determine if their soils, feeds or water sources are deficient in any important nutrients and take corrective action.

We will help you identify products that are viable, show good profit potential and are most suitable and marketable for commercial agricultural producers, taking into account location, soils, climate and capabilities. Marketing support is provided in areas of distribution, packaging, pricing, advertising and displaying merchandise.

Our experts can provide you with advice on farm management, including business planning, feasibility studies, financing, administration and record keeping.

We also maintain a collection of agricultural resource materials. The collection includes a library of books, videos, and files on a wide range of agricultural subjects, as well as a herbarium and a display of Yukon garden insects.



InFARMation Fall 2006  500 KB

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