Funding Programs

The Department of Health and Social Services, directly or in partnership, supports a number of funding programs which assist Yukon residents in a variety of ways. The following funding programs are in place:

Health Investment Fund - HIF

Telephone: (867) 667-5689, Fax: (867) 667-3096

The fund is to help people help each in healthy ways, which strengthen their communities. More information

Professional Development Fund - PDF

Telephone: (867) 667-5689, Fax: (867) 667-3096

The objective of the fund is to help health and social service workers advance their direct delivery skills so they can provide Yukon people with high quality services. More information

Youth Investment Fund - YIF

Telephone: (867) 667-3709, Fax: (867) 393-6326

YIF is a pool of money that comes from many departments in the Yukon Government. The money pays for short-term projects for youth. This fund is administered by the Department of Justice. More information

Yukon Child Benefit - YCB

Telephone: 1 (800) 387-1193

For information regarding eligibility, amount to be received, etc. call the 1-800 listed. For information regarding policy development/program design, questions should be referred to Brian Kitchen 667-5688 or Pat Living 667-3673.

Kids Recreation Fund - KRF

Telephone: (867) 668-4236, Fax: (867) 667-4237

The fund has been established to enable children and youth, whose families are experiencing financial hardship, to actively participate in organized recreational programs. This fund is administered by Sport Yukon. More information

Primary Health Care Transition Fund - PHCTF

More than 100 Yukon residents came together in Whitehorse on May 26 and 27, 2003 to discuss ways to improve health care for the Yukon. Representatives from Yukon communities, First Nations, service agencies, social and health professionals spent the two days coming up with a list of 600 recommendations that could improve the make improvements to the Yukon's primary health care system over the long term. More information