Representation Agreements

Part 2 of the Adult Protection and Decision-Making Act provides for Representation Agreements. These agreements are for adults who recognize that they have trouble making some decisions. Two adults can enter into an agreement giving one or more “representatives” the authority to make day-to-day financial and personal decisions for the adult. The adults who enter into a Representative Agreement must understand what they are signing and how it affects their lives. If at any point the adult no longer understands the agreement, the Representatives no longer have any authority to make decisions for the adult. If you want to appoint someone to make financial decisions for you in the event you become incapable of making those decisions yourself, you should visit a lawyer to make an Enduring Power of Attorney.

Representation Agreements must be witnessed by a designated witness. Call a Health and Social Services social worker at 667-5674 or 456-3946 or the regional social worker in your community to have it witnessed. (First Nations’ health and social services staff can also witness these agreements.)

A Representation Agreement must be done on the form provided by the Yukon government.

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