Emergency childbirth

Emergency childbirth

Childbirth is usually a natural process that requires compassion and assistance from EMS providers. However, complicated births do occur. EMS personnel must draw on their knowledge and skills to assist both the mother and child throughout the process, regardless of the type of delivery.

Try these questions, you may have to do some research to answer the questions.

1. The condition that occurs when the uterus compresses the expectant mother’s inferior vena cava and decreases venous return to her heart is:
  1. Lateral pressure dependence
  2. Supine tachycardic syndrome
  3. Supine hypertensive syndrome
  4. Supine hypotensive syndrome
2. A woman may need 10 to 20 percent more oxygen when she is pregnant, have her respiratory rate increase by as much as 15 percent and be in a chronic state of hyperventilation.
  1. True
  2. False
3. The first three months of a woman’s pregnancy is called:
  1. First gestation cycle
  2. First eclampsic cycle
  3. First trimester
  4. First stage of labor
4. The muscular organ that contracts during labor to expel the fetus is:
  1. Ulna
  2. Vagina
  3. Uterus
  4. Placenta
5. An expectant mother’s pulse can be expected to range from____beats per minute when either awake or asleep:
  1. 60 – 80
  2. 80 – 95
  3. 70 – 80
  4. 90 – 110
6. Vena cava compression by the uterus that results in increased pelvic and peripheral pressures and congestion in the lower extremities, may cause:
  1. Increased bleeding from soft tissue injuries
  2. Varicose veins
  3. Leg cramps
  4. All of the above
7. Conception normally takes place when an egg and sperm unite in the:
  1. Uterus
  2. Fallopian tubes
  3. Ovaries
  4. Amniotic sac
8. A woman pregnant for the second time is referred to as a:
  1. Primagravida
  2. Multipara
  3. Primipara
  4. Multigravida
9. Because the hypotension that occurs when a pregnant woman is in a supine position may be due to supine hypotensive syndrome, it is recommended that her blood pressure be taken:
  1. While she is on her side
  2. While in a seated position
  3. While she is prone
  4. While flat on her back
10. During what stage of childbirth is the baby delivered?
  1. Stage 1
  2. Stage 2
  3. Stage 3
  4. Stage 4
11. Meconium staining:
  1. Is caused by the premature rupture of the bag of waters
  2. Occurs when fetal stool stains the amnotic fluid green or brownish-yellow
  3. Indicates fetal distress
  4. Both b and c
12. False labor is also referred to as:
  1. Braxter-Lamon contractions
  2. Preavera contractions
  3. Vulvine contractions
  4. Braxton-Hicks contractions
13. The fetus is connected to the placenta by the:
  1. Bag of waters
  2. Amniotic sac
  3. Fallopian tubes
  4. Umbilical cord
14. During fetal development, the mother’s blood does not flow directly through the infant:
  1. True
  2. False
15. Because her blood volume increases during the third trimester of pregnancy, an expectant mother’s heart rate increases____beats per minute:
  1. 10 – 20
  2. 15 – 20
  3. 30 – 40
  4. 10 – 15
16. Maternal shock results in____percent mortality:
  1. 35%
  2. 50%
  3. 60%
  4. 80%
17. An expectant mother in her second trimester with a sustained heart rate of 110/min:
  1. Is considered to have a normal heart rate
  2. Is suffering from hypertensive gestation
  3. May be hypovolemic
  4. May be suffering from fetal odnetnin
18. The average pregnant mother can tolerate a _____ml (30 to 35 percent) volume loss before becoming hypotensive:
  1. 500
  2. 1,000
  3. 1,300
  4. 1,500
19. If an expectant mothers contractions remain two to three minutes apart for over 20 minutes and the child is not delivered:
  1. Prepare for imminent delivery of the child
  2. Suspect the child has suffered positional asphyxia
  3. Transport without further delay
  4. Assume the infant is in acute distress and in danger of suffocation

Answers: 1.d, 2.a, 3.c, 4.c, 5.b, 6.a, 7.b, 8.a, 9.a, 10.b, 11.d, 12.d, 13.d, 14.a, 15.b, 16.d, 17.c, 18.d, 19.c