Other Yukon Government Services

Yukon Department of Education

Public Schools Branch

Special Programs Division

1000 Lewes Blvd., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-8000
Facsimile: (867) 393-6423

Provides support to school personnel as they plan and implement educational programs for students with special educational needs. Assists with comprehensive student assessments and provides supportive programming, materials and adaptive equipment on request.

Educational Psychologists assist students, school personnel and parents in enhancing academic, adaptive and social skills for students through assessment and program planning.

Speech/language Pathologists provide services to help students compensate for communication problems in the areas of language, articulation, pragmatics, fluency and voice.

Occupational Therapist provides assessment and programming for the fine motor, perceptual and sensori-motor skills of students.

Physiotherapist provides services to assist gross motor skills and assist in program development that promotes gross motor skill development. Ensures that school buildings and classrooms are accessible to students with motor disabilities and provides a liaison with the medical community.

Teachers for students with visual or hearing impairments assess the impact of the sensory impairment on academic progress, assist in program modification and provide appropriate equipment as required.

Individualized Education Plans are available to students with intellectual, communicative, behavioural, physical or multiple exceptionalities. The plans outline individualized education programs to be delivered in the least restrictive and most enabling environment possible.

Advanced Education

Labour Force Development - Training Trust Fund

1000 Lewes Blvd., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-5131
Facsimile: (867) 667-8555

The Training Trust Fund supports training and labour force development in the Yukon. Training and labour force development is delivered through communities, non-governmental organizations and other non-government agencies or in collaboration with business and industry. General accommodations are made for those individuals participating who require specialized supports.

Student Financial Assistance and Awards

1000 Lewes Blvd., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-5929
Facsimile: (867) 667-8555

Administers the Yukon Grant and Canada Student Loan Program, including the Canada Study Grant for Students with Disabilities.


Economic Development

Community Development Fund (CDF)

#400 211 Main St., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-3561
Facsimile: (867) 667-8601

This fund is a key source of support for non-government agencies to promote community development. Non-governmental organizations, First Nations and municipalities may apply for project funding.


Community and Transportation Services

Sport and Recreation Branch

4061 4th Ave., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-5254
Facsimile: (867) 393-6416

Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee (YRAC)

This committee administers funding for the Sport and Recreation Branch to sport and recreation groups. People with disabilities are one of five target groups for funding. Incentives are incorporated into the funding process for those groups that address the needs of one or more of the target groups.


Yukon Justice

Whitehorse Correctional Centre

25 College Drive, Whitehorse, Yukon

Telephone: 393-7200
Facsimile: 393-6208

The Whitehorse Correctional Centre is accessible for offenders who have a physical disability. The staff are familiar with the needs of people with a wide range of physical and emotional disabilities, and are prepared to accommodate an offender's special needs. Additionally, the WCC nursing staff are available to dispense medication, and monitor medical conditions.

Victim Services and Family Violence Prevention Unit

206 Lowe St., Whitehorse, Yukon

Telephone: (867) 3581
Facsimile: (867) 393-6240

The Victim Services and Family Violence Prevention Unit provides services to victims of crime and to offenders of spousal abuse and sexual abuse.

Sex Offender Risk Management Program provides services for persons with developmental disabilities. This includes group and individualized case plans.

Victim Services Assistance for victims of crime are available to all people and can be modified for persons with disabilities.

Workers Advocate

2131 - 2nd Ave., Tutshi Building, Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-5324
Facsimile: (867) 393-6317

The Workers Advocate provides supportive advocacy services to workers with on-the-job injuries or disabilities who are dealing with Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board.


Public Service Commission

Corporate Human Resource Services

Yukon Government Administration Building
2071 Second Ave., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-5653
Facsimile: (867) 667-5755

Services are offered to people with disabilities related to employment opportunities in the Yukon Government. These include:

Telephone number for people with hearing impairments (867) 667-3643.

Large print job postings for persons with visual impairments are available upon request.

Special arrangements for job interviews can be arranged for individuals with special needs by contacting the office manager at (867) 667-5380.

Staff Development

3rd Floor Hougens Centre
Corner of Third and Main, Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-3019
Facsimile: (867) 393-6920

Services and supports are available to support Yukon Government employees in returning to work after experiencing a temporary or permanently disabling condition. Support measures that can be put in place include access to equipment, career and personal counselling, rehabilitation and vocational assessments, skill enhancement, developing support structures in the workplace to facilitate timely return to work.


Women's Directorate

204 Lambert St., 4th Floor, Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-3030
Facsimile: (867) 393-6270

The Directorate is responsible for ensuring that gender considerations are integrated into all aspects of government policy-making, legislation and program development. They house an extensive resource library on issues related to women and have published a number of resources, including "Options, Choices, Changes for Women in Abusive Relationships". Their library contains over 50 listings (videos, reports, books and articles) under the category "people with disabilities." You can access the Directorate's library listings through their website at www.yukonweb.com/government/womensdir/


Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board

401 Strickland St., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-5645
Toll Free: (800) 661-0443
Facsimile: (867) 667-8424

The Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board provides a variety of services to workers with an accepted claim who have been injured or disabled on the job. The board's rehabilitation services unit assists injured workers to access the appropriate medical, physical and vocational rehabilitation services. Using a team approach, the board assists injured workers to return to work. Compensation benefits may include earnings loss benefits, permanent impairment awards, medical aid, annuities, spousal/guardian or children's pensions and a range of disability supports and rehabilitation.


Yukon Housing Corporation

410 Jarvis St., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 667-5759
Facsimile: (867) 667-3664

Provides funding support for home improvements related to special needs of people with disabilities through two programs:

Home Repair Program offers low interest loans to homeowners wishing to repair their homes for a variety of reasons, including improved accessibility. Subsidies on loan repayment may be available to people with low incomes.

Rental Rehabilitation Program offers low interest loans to landlords who upgrade their rental units for reasons of health and safety, energy efficiency and accessibility to elderly or special needs tenants.

In addition, Yukon Housing Corporation manages subsidized housing units throughout the Yukon including those designated "barrier free". (Contact your local Housing Association or Authority for more information.)


Yukon College

500 College Dr., Whitehorse

Telephone: (867) 668-8800 (outside Whitehorse 1-800-661-0504)
Facsimile: (867) 668-8890

Learning Assistance Centre

C-1520, 500 College Drive

Telephone: (867) 668-8785
Facsimile: (867) 668-8890

The LAC provides information and services to assist Yukon College students to reach their learning potential. This includes adults in full-time, part-time or distributed learning courses.

For All Applicants and Students

Services to assist all applicants and students in becoming more efficient and independent learners include:

  • Learning and Studying skills assessment and strategy development.
  • Group workshops and individual sessions on topics of reading, note taking, time management, test anxiety and preparing for exams.
  • Consulting with faculty about effective learning and teaching strategies and issues.
  • Resource library with a wide selection of related materials.

For Applicants and Students with Disabilities

The LAC coordinates services, which facilitate the inclusion of students with visual, mobility and hearing impairments and students with hidden disabilities such as chronic medical conditions, learning disabilities and psychiatric/emotional disabilities. The LAC staff works together with the faculty and the student to minimize the impact of the disability in the learning process.

Types of Services provided include but are not limited to:

  • Disability awareness and advocacy
  • Situational assessment with recommendations for accommodations
  • Coping strategies development
  • Liaison with instructors and/or administration
  • Assistance with accommodation implementation (i.e., alternate testing arrangements)
  • Referral and/or liaison with outside agencies
  • Individualized education programming
  • Tutoring services (limited)
  • Facilitating access to alternate media and to adaptive educational equipment

Services and accommodations are provided according to the specific individual needs but may be limited by the availability of specific resources. Applicants and students who have been identified or who suspect they have any kind of disability which might affect their learning should contact the Learning Assistance Centre Coordinator as early as possible in the process.


Yukon Human Rights Commission

201-211 Hawkins St., Whitehorse Y1A 1X3

Telephone: (867) 667-6226 (outside of Whitehorse, 1-800-661-0535)
Facsimile: (867) 667-2662

The Yukon Human Rights Commission provides information to Yukoners about their human rights. If you believe that you have been discriminated against based on a mental or physical disability, sex, race, etc.--or if you would like information about human rights--the Yukon Human Rights Commission is available to assist you.