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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Government of Yukon have a local hire policy?

The Government of Yukon gives preference on competitions to residents of Yukon. A resident is defined as "A person who is residing in the Yukon at time of their application for employment". Additional consideration is provided to Yukon student grant and scholarship recipients who apply from outside for a period of five years after completing their studies at an outside institution, Yukon First Nation's beneficiaries who reside outside the Yukon, and spouses of candidates who have been hired from outside of the Yukon during the period between acceptance of the position and relocation to Yukon residence.

As a former Yukon student grant or scholarship recipient, evidence of the completion of studies, the year(s) in which the student was in receipt of a Yukon grant or scholarship and written authorization to verify that information with the Department of Education will be deemed acceptable proof of residency.

Competitions for positions within specific Yukon communities, other than Whitehorse, frequently give a preference to residents of the community and surrounding area.

Are all Government of Yukon competitions "open to the public?

No, they are not. There are three competition categories:

Jobs Available Only to Government of Yukon Employees
 - competitions which are restricted to government, a department or specific branch of government. Only those employed with the Government of Yukon during the posting period of the competition are eligible to apply.

Jobs Available to Yukon Residents
 - competitions which are open to persons who are residing in the Yukon at time of their application for employment.

Jobs Available to Canadian Residents
 - competitions which are open to all persons who have the legal right to live and work in Canada.

Are all Government of Yukon employment opportunities posted to this site?

All positions are advertised on this site.

All competitions are posted on the government's Job Information Boards located in the Main Administration Building, 2071 - Second Ave, Whitehorse, Yukon.

How often are the job postings updated?

The site is updated on a twice-weekly basis. The Government Job Boards are updated as positions become available.

How do I apply for a position listed here and where do I send my application?

Read the posting carefully. Review the detailed job description and Statement of Qualifications if available. Send an e-mail to Make sure to include this information:

  • Competition Number and title of the competition
  • Your Name
  • Your Mailing Address
  • Your Telephone Number - at home and at work
  • Other Contact information - fax, email

Attach your resume to your e-mail (Microsoft Word document is preferable).

You can also mail or fax your cover letter and resume. Use the contact information in the left column of this page.

Candidates must submit their applications by the closing date indicated on the competition posting.  Candidates will only be contacted further, however, if they have been screened into the competition.

Candidates must apply directly on each competition in which they are interested. No ongoing inventory of candidates is maintained.

It is essential that applicants provide full and complete information as the review committee will only consider the information provided in the application.

Accommodations will be made in terms of assessment for candidates with disabilities who request it.

What are the types of jobs available within the Government of Yukon?

Within the Government of Yukon there are five job types:

  • Permanent:
         These are ongoing positions without an end date. They may be full or part time and receive an attractive benefit package.
  • Term:
         These are the same as permanent except that they have an end date and, unless extended, employment will end as of a predetermined point; e.g. 6 months, 12 months etc.
  • Auxiliary on call:
         These are positions which are used on an as needed basis to cover absences due to illness, vacation etc., and for periods of heavy workload. These employees receive pay in lieu of benefits.
  • Seasonal auxiliary:
         These are positions which are seasonal in nature and last anywhere from 3 to 10 months. Employees are normally called back to work at the same time each year.
  • Casual:
         These are positions which are for less than a 6 month period and which will not be renewed. They are for one time only work needs. Casuals are not bargaining unit members and receive no benefits.

What is the nature of the hiring process?

The selection process is based on the merit principle, that is the candidates are assessed against the requirements of the position and are appointed beginning with the first ranked candidate.

Candidates will normally be assessed through a combination of interview questions, work simulations, role plays, and written tests. The selection board is normally comprised of 3 people.

References will be verified prior to appointment.  Some positions may require that conditions of employment be met prior to appointment.  These include such things as a driving license, criminal records check and medical check.

Do any positions require the use of the French language?

Some positions may require the use of both English and French. In this case an oral and/or written assessment will be done of the language proficiency.


Contact Us

Corporate Human
Resource Services

Public Service Commission
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5653
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5653
Fax: (867) 667-5755


Last Update: 2005-10-07