Information Resources for General Public

Addiction Prevention Consultants are available to talk with anyone who would like more information on addictions. We have a wide variety of information and can assist parents, students, and any member of the general public to find the information that they need. This service is confidential.

Recommended websites

There is a lot of information available on the internet, but it can be difficult to know whether or not the information is reliable. The websites below provide credible, current information on alcohol, other drugs and addictions issues.


We have a wide selection of pamphlets and booklets available for anyone to take away and read at their leisure. Pamphlet topics range from drug specific information, to the effects of addiction on a family, to living in recovery. Anyone wanting information can call us or stop by and speak with a Prevention Consultant. All requests for information are kept confidential.

Information for parents/caregivers

We have a selection of pamphlets and booklets for parents and caregivers. These resources provide parents/caregivers with information about specific drugs, ideas about developing and supporting a substance free lifestyle in children and youth, and support for parents/ caregivers dealing with a youth’s alcohol or drug use.

Low Risk Drinking Guidelines

The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health with a team of researchers developed “low-risk drinking guidelines”. These guidelines provide information about the pattern of drinking that has a low risk for developing problems with alcohol. The term “low risk” is used, as the only way to ensure that you don’t have any problems (i.e. “no risk”) with alcohol as a result of your own consumption, is to not drink.

To check out these guidelines, visit the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health website.