Training Opportunities

The staff at Prevention Services provide training on a range of addictions related topics. Formal workshops are designed for allied professionals and are delivered through the Training Calendar. We also develop and deliver workshops for community groups on an as requested basis.

Please call 667-5780 or toll free 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5780 if you would like more information on training available through Prevention Services.

Training Calendar

These workshops are developed for allied professionals or those working as addiction practitioners. The calendar is developed through an annual survey of allied professionals and stakeholders with the intent of matching training events as closely as possible to identified needs. Watch this page for a posting of our current Training Calendar (PDF, 239 KB).


This type of training is designed to meet specific learning needs related to addictions, for staff of individual organizations/agencies. The Length and format of our inservices are based on the nature of the topic and the schedule of the requesting agency. Some examples of different inservice topics are:

  • Pre-treatment and Aftercare: Working with clients before and after addictions treatment
  • Providing Alcohol and Drug Awareness and Education to Youth: a “Train the Trainers” workshop
  • Effective Interventions for working with Pregnant Women who Use Alcohol and Drugs
  • Drugs and How They Work
  • Developing Community-Based Prevention Programs
  • Brief Screening for Alcohol and Drug Use


The Prevention Consultants at Prevention Services are also available to provide any community groups or agency with short presentations on addictions issues. If you are interested in organizing a presentation, please call 667-5780 or toll free 1-800-661-0404, ext. 5780.

Special Training Events

Periodically, Prevention Services will organize training that addresses a particular issue or topic that is of interest to Yukoners, such as a one day training on Methamphetamine for professionals or an information night for parents. Watch this page for a schedule of upcoming events.