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Psychological Services

Some students have special needs in the areas of academic, emotional, social or intellectual development.

School psychologists can play an important role in helping these students get the most from their education.

How students are referred for psychological services

Parents with concerns about their child's social, emotional or intellectual development should discuss their concerns with the child's teacher.

The student may be referred to the School Based Team.

The team includes the student's teachers, a school administrator, a learning assistance teacher and a school counsellor. It may also include the parents, the student (where appropriate), consultants from the Department of Education and representatives from other community services.

The team focuses on developing strategies to meet student's needs at school.

As part of this work, the team may consult with a school psychologist.

Meeting the Student's Needs

School psychologists work with parents, the student, teachers, other school staff and community agencies to determine the student's strengths and needs. They look at how these strengths and needs affect the student's learning. They work on ways to enhance both the learning and the student's relationships with other people.

Through this collaboration, school psychologists help to determine the most appropriate education plan for the student.

All of this is done with the informed consent of parents.

The school psychologist may:

  • review the student's family, medical and academic history;
  • interview parents, the student, classroom teachers and others;
  • observe the student in school and at home;
  • assist in developing programs and strategies to meet the student's needs;
  • assess, if necessary, to get new information on the student's academic, intellectual, social or emotional functioning; and
  • recommend tools, techniques and strategies that will help the student be successful at school.

School psychologists may recommend adapting an educational program to meet the student's needs.

They may also recommend measures such as providing the student with assistance taking notes, using technology to help the student, or changing the seating arrangement in the classroom. These are just some examples.

The results and recommendations are shared with the parents, the teachers and, when appropriate, the student.

School psychologists may also:

  • provide professional development to the school community, which includes teachers, school counsellors, parents and special education staff;
  • help schools respond to critical incidents such as unexpected deaths of students or staff; and
  • provide individual or group counselling to students.

For more information:

Special Programs Division
Department of Education
Phone: (867) 667-8000
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0408


Contact Us

Special Programs
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-8000
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 8000
Fax: (867) 393-6423

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