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The following legislation and regulation guide resource development in the Yukon. Resource activities are assessed under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA). Assessments are conducted by the arms-length Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) or one of its six Designated Offices located throughout the territory. They provide recommendations to the Yukon government, who is the decision maker and responsible for regulating and enforcing permits and licenses.


Placer Mining (Gold)
Hard Rock (Quartz)


Placer (Gold) Mining Legislation

Legislation for placer mining in the Yukon, as well as guidelines on legislation, regulations and permitting.

Hard Rock (Quartz) Legislation

Legislation on hard rock (quartz) mining in the Yukon, as well as guidelines on legislation, regulations and permitting.

Coal Mining Legislation

Legislation and related acts and regulations on coal mining in the Yukon. 

Dredging Legislation

Legislation and regulations that apply to dredging in the Yukon.

The Government of Yukon Department of Energy, Mines and Resources assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any reproduction derived from the legislative material on this site. The legislative material on this site has been prepared for convenience of reference only and does not have official sanction.

For official versions of the Yukon Statutes and Regulations and to obtain copies of legislative documents (including Hansard, Yukon Gazette, Statutes and Regulations), contact Queen's Printer (Legislative Subscriptions) or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building in Whitehorse.

Mirror Legislation - Existing federal acts and regulations have been "mirrored" into territorial acts and regulations effective April 1, 2003. As a result, territorial institutions are substituted for federal institutions. These acts and regulations will be used until the Yukon government develops and implements new legislation.


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