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Exploration and Mining in the Yukon

Yukon is under-explored yet rich in mineral potential and diversity. It hosts significant deposits of gold, copper, lead, tungsten, zinc, coal, and silver. Yukon is home to one of the world’s largest iron ore deposits, one of the world’s largest undeveloped zinc deposits, a rich massive sulphide deposit, as well as two impressive tungsten deposits.
Exploration and mining in the territory is regulated by the Yukon government and key public institutions. In this section you will find the roles of the key agencies and bodies and the relevant legislation for mineral activities, as well as the standards, policies and procedures that inform decision-making in the Yukon.

Hard Rock (Quartz) Mining 

Placer (Gold) Mining


Quarrying & Dredging


Contact the Yukon Mining Recorder for assistance and information on ground open for staking, claim maps, mineral titles, assessment work, permitting and licensing of proposed exploration and mining developments.
Contact the Yukon Geological Survey  for maps, scientific and technical information on the geology and mineral deposits of the territory, and to apply for grassroots prospector funding.
The Energy, Mines and Resources Library  offers mineral assessment reports, maps, aerial photographs, journals, periodicals and GeoRef.


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 19-06-2006