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Best Management Practices

What are Best Management Practices?
Download a copy of the Yukon Oil and Gas Best Management Practices brochure  2.3 MB

  • A range of practices that can reduce the time, intensity or duration of the footprint on the land base – not usually prescriptive;
  • Innovative, creative and responsive measures or approaches intended to deal with unique cultural, economic, ecological and geographical sensitivities;
  • Planning tools or strategies that increase the chances of meeting the long-term goals and objectives of each project;
  • Selected on the basis of unique, site-specific conditions that reflect natural background conditions and political, social, economic, and technical feasibility;
  • Objective driven; risk and results based; and promote a flexible approach to government and industry cooperation;
  • Not standards which are measured or evaluated for compliance purposes nor are they intended to provide guidance about what is or is not an appropriate land use for a particular region; and
  • Should not be regarded as either exhaustive or restrictive. Additional or different information for a particular project may be required.

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Our Goals:

  • Avoid sensitive landscape and habitat;
  • Minimize disturbance;
  • Conserve vegetation and surface soil;
  • Avoid permafrost disturbance;
  • Conserve wildlife and fisheries habitat; and
  • Set the stage for eventual restoration.

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The Purpose of Best Management Practices:

  • Guide developers, stakeholders and regulators in determining the appropriate way to carry out exploration and development activities;
  • Contribute to the establishment of a viable and economic oil and gas industry;
  • Conserve biodiversity and protect the essential characteristics and functions of the environment;
  • Ensure competitive economic and subsistence interests are accommodated in the design and planning of oil and gas projects;
  • Provide information on current oil and gas best practices both in general and within a unique northern landscape; and
  • Promote a better understanding of responsible environmental stewardship and sensitivity to community interests in oil and gas exploration and development in the north.

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Guidelines for Best Management Practices:

Seismic Exploration (Download a copy of this section  2.6 MB or download a copy of the two page brochure  1.6 MB)
Old seismic practices carried out during the 1970s have left a visible legacy on the landscape. More common today is the use of “Low Impact Seismic” (LIS) practices. LIS reduces the need for long and wide corridors by using a combination of satellite technology, meandering lines, smaller low ground pressure equipment and helicopters, as well as the application of seasonal timing windows to address wildlife, human and terrain specific needs.


Historic Resources (Download a copy of this section  1 MB or download a copy of the two page brochure for historic resources  785 KB)
Heritage values such as historic resources exist throughout the Yukon landscape in all terrains and are vulnerable to looting or unauthorized collection. Increased activity in a previously isolated area may see the loss of irreplaceable objects that are part of Yukon’s history. Seismic work, access development and other activities associated with a project should plan to avoid known sites and areas of high historic site potential. Techniques that minimize ground disturbance and clearing are recommended.


Wilderness Tourism (Download a copy of this section  635 KB or download a copy of the two page brochure on wilderness tourism  686 KB)
Wilderness tourism operators guide and accommodate tourists all year round and rely on the Yukon’s large wilderness areas to maintain their livelihood. Best Practices that help reduce conflict with wilderness tourism operations include identifying and avoiding key wilderness tourism travel corridors, providing buffers and setbacks between exploration and development projects and seasonal variation in activities.


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Nothing in the Yukon Government Best Management Practices (BMPs) information site or web portal and associated documents, brochures, maps, references, etc, shall be construed as waiving compliance with regulatory requirements imposed by law. Download a copy of the full disclaimer... 14 KB




Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 08-09-2006