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Yukon Mine Site Reclamation and Closure Policy

Several major new mines are nearing development, and the Mine Site Reclamation and Closure Policy provides an effective framework to guide these and other new mine developments in the Yukon.

This new policy lays out the Yukon government’s requirements for mining companies to plan for and finance the costs of restoring land used for mining to former or other productive uses.

It is designed to encourage early reclamation and closure planning, to recognize progressive reclamation, and to ensure that public risk for closure liability is minimized.

Government chose many of the best features of reclamation and closure policies in other jurisdictions across the country in developing this policy.

The policy will not put Yukon mining at a competitive disadvantage and it will also provide for a very high standard of due diligence and care for reclamation and closure of mine sites.

The policy also provides guidance to government agencies for implementing their regulatory responsibilities.
Yukon government is proud to release this new policy. It is an important step in our continuing efforts to develop responsible policies that encourage a vibrant and competitive resource industry.

Key components of the mine reclamation and closure policy:

The basis of the policy is that mine operators are responsible to plan, implement and fund mine reclamation and closure and they must provide financial security to contain the public risk for site reclamation and closure costs.

Planning, Monitoring and Reporting

The reclamation and closure plan must be prepared by the mine owner and submitted for review and approval by government prior to mine development.

The reclamation and closure plan must be updated periodically throughout the operating mine life (minimum every 5 years).

Annual Reporting and Post Closure Monitoring

The mine owner must file an annual report stating what progressive reclamation has been accomplished and results of environmental monitoring programs.

As progressive reclamation and closure work is completed, monitoring will be conducted by the mine operator with respect to the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.

Financial Assurance

The mine owner must provide financial security for the full outstanding mine reclamation and closure liability.

Outstanding reclamation and closure liability is based on the cost to reclaim and close the mine site, in its current status, in accordance with the approved reclamation and closure plan.

The outstanding reclamation and closure liability will be reassessed periodically (minimum every 2 years) to reflect the impact of operations and progressive reclamation.

Closure Certificate

When government is satisfied that the owner is no longer operating and has met all conditions of the quartz mining license, the Minister of EMR may issue a closure certificate.


Extensive consultation with First Nations, mining industry representatives, environmental groups and government agencies took place to help guide development of the policy. Government wishes to acknowledge and thank all those who contributed to its development.

Technical and financial guidelines

Energy, Mines and Resources is in the process of completing detailed technical and financial guidelines to complement the policy.
These guidelines will address the specific conditions for reclamation standards and the forms of acceptable financial security. Further public consultation will be undertaken to finalize the guidelines, which are slated for completion by April 2006.

Draft Technical Guidelines   (Kb337)

Draft Financial Assurance Guidelines  (Kb417 Kb)


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 29-05-2006