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Yukon Minerals Advisory Board (YMAB)


The Board is established under the Economic Development Act to advise the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources on mineral development matters in accordance with these terms of reference.

Mandate of the Board:
The Board shall:

  • Make recommendations on specific matters referred to it from time to time, by the Minister;
  • Undertake other initiatives, such as conferences and public workshops on mineral development matters, as requested by the Minister; and
  • Make recommendations to the Minister to fulfill the objectives of the Board.

The Board shall table with the Legislature an annual report for the previous calendar year by May 1st. Matters to be addressed in this report include activities of the Board and, on the request of the Minister, recommendations on matters referred to it in the previous year.

Objectives of the Board:
The Board shall recommend to the Minister measures, including government actions to:

  • increase the potential for mineral exploration and development in the Yukon;
  • attract capital for the exploration and development of new mines;
  • ensure that mines can be developed feasibly and in a timely fashion;
  • improve the potential for producing mines to remain viable;
  • enhance Yukon participation in mining;
  • reduce constraints, including government constraints, on the development of minerals in the Yukon; and
  • outreach with first nations to explore the opportunities and benefits of mineral exploration and development in the Yukon.

Makeup of the Board:
The Board consists of the following representatives:

  • Member of the Yukon Chamber of Mines;
  • Member of the Klondike Placer Miners Association;
  • CEO or senior managers of companies with Yukon mineral exploration projects and/or mines;
  • CEO or senior managers of junior mining sector;
  • Representatives of national mining associations;
  • Other individuals who have at least five years experience in various aspects of the minerals industries.

The Board will consist of no more than 10 members.

Members will be appointed by the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources. Appointments shall have a duration of up to 2 years, and terms can be renewed by the Minister.

The Minister shall appoint one member of the Board to serve as chair, for a period of two years. Such terms can be renewed by the Minister.


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