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About the Department

The Department of Justice has an Operational Plan that outlines the priorities, core values, vision and mission for the department for 2005-2006. The Operational Plan was prepared under the direction of the Minister of Justice in the context of the government's corporate plans.

Operational Plan 2005-2006 ( 333KB)

The Department of Justice has a wide range of programs and services for Yukoners. Please contact us for more information on any program or services listed.

Departmental Overview

The Department of Justice administers a variety of programs and services. Each Branch is comprised of Units that are responsible for delivering specific programs and services.

Budget Information

Yukon Justice budget information.

Minister of Justice

The Justice Minister works closely with the Department of Justice to give direction and help the department meet its objectives.

Organization Chart ( 20 KB)

Internal staffing structure of the Department of Justice.

Site Map

Lists pages available on the Yukon Department of Justice web site.


Contact Us:

Department of Justice
Government of Yukon
Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre
2130 Second Avenue
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6
Phone: (867) 667-3033
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 3033
Fax: (867) 393-6272

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 15-10-2006