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Workers' Advocate

The Workers' Advocate is appointed by the Minister of Justice to advocate on the behalf of injured workers.

The main duty of the Worker's Advocate is to advise workers and the dependants of deceased workers on the workers' compensation process, and the meaning and effect of compensation claims.

The Workers' Advocate can also assist or represent a worker when negotiating a claim. This could include representation before an adjudicator, hearing officer or an appeal committee.

The Workers' Advocate is a member of the public service appointed to fulfill the duties outlined in section 11.1 of the Workers' Compensation Act (PDF, 228 KB).

As a worker you should know...
How can the Workers' Advocate help you?
Do you disagree with a WCB decision?
How do you appeal a WCB decision about your claim?
Need help with your appeal?

As a worker you should know...  Back to Top

  • Workers' Advocate is located in Whitehorse, Yukon to help you on matters pertaining to the Workers' Compensation Act and with the appeals process.
  • Workers' Advocate services are available to you at no charge.
  • The Workers' Advocate is an employee of the Department of Justice and is independent of the Workers' Compensation Board. The Workers' Advocate has full access to all Board files and records relating to any claim they are reviewing.

How the advocates can help you: Back to Top

  • By providing general information about the Workers Compensation proces; policies, procedures, interpreting you claim.
  • By advising injured workers on what actions they can take and by helping to gather the necessary information.
  • By determining if there is a problem with a claim that can be resolved through an appeal. By helping to prepare an appeal, written or oral.
  • By appearing with the injured worker or their dependent as his or her representative at an appeal hearing.

If you disagree with a WCB decision: Back to Top

  1. Discuss your claim with the person assigned to your claim at WCB.
  2. Ask the person working on your WCB file for a copy of it, if you are planning to appeal the WCB decision.
  3. Review all the information in your file to make sure it is correct and make necessary changes.
  4. Note any extra information (e.g., medical reports, witnesses, job descriptions, etc.) needed to support your case.

If you decide to appeal the WCB decision about your claim: Back to Top

  1. Ask the WCB person assigned to your case to send you the appeal form, or download.
  2. When filling out the form, only comment on issues relevant to your appeal.
  3. Point out the information in your file that supports your appeal.
  4. Make sure all new information is attached to the appeal form.
  5. You must file a written notice with the board. Please complete the entire form and attach the information requested to avoid delaying the process. Mail or deliver your notice to:
Appeals Secretary
Workers' Compensation, Health and Safety Board
401 Strickland Street
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5N8

Need help with your appeal? Back to Top

Worker's Advocate
Department of Justice
Government of Yukon
Box 2703 Q-1
2131-2nd Avenue, Tutshi Building
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Phone: (867) 667-5324
Toll Free (in Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5324


Contact Us:

Workers' Advocate
Department of Justice
Government of Yukon
Box 2703, Q-1
2131-2nd Avenue, Tutshi Building Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6
Phone: (867) 667-5324
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5324

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 18-11-2004