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Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

The Public Guardian and Trustee of Yukon operates under Yukon law to protect the legal rights and financial interests of children, to act as guardian of last resort for adults who require financial and personal decision making, and to administer the estates of deceased and missing persons where there is no one else to do so.

The Public Guardian and Trustee Act and the Adult Protection and Decision Making Act sets out the responsibilities of the Public Guardian and Trustee.

The Public Guardian and Trustee Office performs the following duties:

  • Trustee for the estates of minor children;
  • Administration of estates if a person dies without a will and next-of-kin do not apply to be appointed the administrator;
  • Act as a Trustee as set out in a will, settlement or as ordered by the Supreme Court (Public Trustee);
  • Temporary Estate protection;
  • Act as Trustee of estates of missing persons;
  • If recommended by the court, may appoint a Child Advocate who will represent the best interests of the children in the court proceeding; (as part of the role as Official Guardian under the Children's Act);
  • Investigation of financial abuse and protection of estates under the new Adult Protection & Decision Making Act and Care Consent Act (September 1 2005) including statutory guardianship;
  • Acting as the guardian of last resort if there is no other person who can act as the adult's guardian;
  • The ability to intervene in a private guardianship application if the PGT feels the individual is not a suitable guardian; and
  • Public education on the services provided by the PGT office and on how to complete private guardianship applications.

The Public Guardian and Trustee also acts on the authority as set out in the following Acts:

These are additional related links for more information:


Contact Us:

Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
Government of Yukon
3rd Floor Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre J-2B
2130 - 2nd Avenue
P.O. Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5366
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5366
Fax: (867) 393-6246

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