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Maintenance Enforcement Program

The Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) enforces agreements or court orders requiring support payments to a spouse or child. The MEP can take steps to enforce agreements or orders for support after they are filed with the court. Either parent can register with the MEP.

Registration with the MEP does not guarantee payment or regularity of support payments. The MEP takes all possible steps to attempt collection of support payments set out in a court order or agreement. When the program collects money from the paying parent, that money is paid to the receiving parent.

The MEP has reciprocal enforcement agreements with all Canadian provinces, some U.S. states and some countries overseas that may assist with the collection of maintenance from respondents who reside outside the Yukon.

Please read the following information before you decide whether or not to enrol in the MEP:

To register with the MEP, you will need to complete the on-line registration form and return it to the MEP office along with an affidavit setting out any arrears that may be owed to you.

Register with the Maintenance Enforcement Program:

Office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

How to contact the Maintenance Enforcement Program:
Mail: Maintenance Enforcement Program
P.O. Box 2703, J-3M
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
In person: Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre
  2130 Second Avenue (ground floor) 
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5H6
Phone: (867) 667-5437
Toll-free within 867 area code: 1-877-617-5347
Fax: (867) 393-6989


Contact Us:

Maintenance Enforcement Program
Court Services
Box 2703 J-3M
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6
Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre
2130 Second Avenue (ground floor)
Phone: (867) 667-5437
Toll Free (In Yukon): 1-877-617-5347
Fax: (867) 393-6989

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