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Campfire Safety

Fire prevention is a responsibility all of us share. It is important to understand safe fire practices so that everyone can enjoy Yukon's forests. The following are some tips for both residents and recreationalists that will help to prevent damage or injury from an out-of-control fire.

When building your campfire, keep these things in mind:

  • choose your site carefully
  • prepare your campfire by removing all leaves, twigs and other flammable material from the area
  • use a designated fire pit or build a ring of rocks at least three metres from shrubs, structures and debris
  • keep your fire under control and prevent it from sparking into surrounding bushes and tress
  • never leave your campfire unattended camp.gif
  • When extinguishing your campfire:

  • pour water on the fire and douse the site thoroughly
  • stir the campfire until there are no embers and the ashes are cold to the touch
  • During the spring and fall, many Yukoners take the opportunity to clear their property by burning dead trees, leaves and debris from around their property. If done properly, this can be very effective. Always make sure to keep these tips in mind when doing any sort of backyard or debris burning:

  • always burn during a safe time of year, in the fall or just after green-up in the spring
  • never burn under windy conditions or when conditions are hot and dry
  • stay with the fire until it is completely out
  • keep a hose and hand tools nearby to extinguish your fire
  • avoid burning near buildings, trees or grass
  • keep your fire at a controllable size
  • remember to obtain a burning permit before taking on any sort of burning
  • A recipe for campfire success (PDF 84KB).

    To Report Wildfires Call: 1-888-798-FIRE (3473)

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 05-06-2006