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Reporting a Wildfire

Fire Management has a variety of ways for detecting fires in the Yukon. Nine lookout towers are located throughout the territory near communities and are used to scan forest areas for smoke and fires. As well, patrol planes are regularly sent out to locate fires that may be burning in remote areas. The public also plays an important role in reporting wildfires. In 1998, more than half of the wildfires in the Yukon were reported by the public.

If you spot a wildfire that seems to be unattended what should you do?

First, remember that the more information you have about the fire (size, location etc) the easier it is for fire crews to locate and suppress the fire.

Some things to consider when reporting a wildfire:

  • Fire size - how big is the fire? The size of a house, a football field, a campfire?
  • Location of the fire - is it close to a road, a community, a remote area?
  • Fuel - what is burning? Trees, grass, brush, other?
  • Is anyone fighting the fire? Neighbours, passersby, fire crews?
  • What colour is the smoke? White, grey, black?
  • What is threatened by the fire? Lives, homes, buildings, campgrounds, structures etc?
  • Is the fire burning on top of a hill, side of a hill, on flat ground?
  • All of the above information is very important for fire management authorities to decide what personnel and equipment will be dispatched to the fire.

    Further information on wildfire, fire danger ratings and forest restrictions can be obtained by calling our toll-free Wildfire Information Line 1-800-826-4750.

    If you spot a wildfire, please report it by calling 1-888-798-FIRE(3473).

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 25-07-2005