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Wildfire Prevention

Fire prevention is a responsibility all of us share. It is important to understand safe fire practices so that everyone can enjoy Yukon's forests.

The Yukon has an average of 150 fires per year. Half are caused by people. Human-caused fires include abandoned campfires, smoking, industry, logging, brush burning, construction, recreationalists and arson. A large number of these human caused fires are a result of careless activity and can be prevented through awareness activities.

Fire Management has introduced a comprehensive wildfire prevention program aimed at decreasing the number of human caused fires. The program targets communities, property owners, general public, forest industry and other stakeholders and includes:

  • radio and newspaper advertisements
  • highway signs
  • pamphlets/brochures
  • posters
  • 1-800-826-4750 Fire Information line, with pre-recorded updates on wildfire locations, smoke advisories, burning bans and campfire restrictions.
  • FireSmart community planning
  • school presentations and hand-outs
  • For more information on fire prevention, contact your local Fire Management district office.

    To Report Wildfires Call: 1-888-798-FIRE (3473)

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 25-07-2005