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To responsibly manage and support the sustainable development of Yukon’s energy and natural resources.

In carrying out our mandate Energy, Mines and Resources is guided by the following Vision, Mission and Values.

Vision, Mission and Values Statement

To manage and support the development of our natural resource wealth in partnership with Yukon people and industry.

To effectively and responsibly manage and support the development of Yukon's natural resource wealth for the benefit of all Yukon people now and in the future.

The following values define the department’s management style and set goals and objectives for all staff members.

  • Professionalism
    We are committed to achieving high standards of client service and making responsible decisions.
  • Integrity
    Our actions match our words; we promote a culture of trust, respect, fairness and accountability.
  • Enterprise
    We embrace teamwork, innovation, creativity and problem solving to achieve our goals and those of our clients.
  • People
    We show respect for one another and our clients by communicating openly and honestly and putting people first.
  • Community Minded
    We encourage giving back to our communities and balancing our professional and personal lives.


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 17-11-2005