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Wood Cutting (firewood permits, Christmas tree permits, round wood permits)

Client Services and Inspections
Department of Energy, Mines and Resources
Telephone: (867) 456-3999 or 1-800-661-0408 local 3999 (toll free within the Yukon)

Personal Use Permits are available for small amounts of firewood, poles, Christmas trees, house building logs or a small volume of round wood(saw logs) for non-commercial use. There are also special conditions for traditional use of forest products by First Nations people and subsistence users such as trappers and prospectors.  Applications for personal use permits and for timber permits up to 1000 cubic metres are issued by your local Client Services and Inspections (CSI) District Office.


Corner of River Drive and Nanson Road
PO Box 132, Y0B 1C0
Ph: (867) 863-5271
Fax: (867) 863-6604

Dawson City
Front Street
PO Box 279, Y0B 1G0
Ph: (867) 993-5468 
Fax: (867) 993-6233

Haines Junction
Mile 143 Haines Road
PO Box 5370, Y0B 1L0
Ph: (867) 634-2256
Fax: (867) 634-2675

Laurier Street and 6th Avenue
PO Box 100, Y0B 1M0
Ph: (867) 996-2343
Fax: (867) 996-2856

Ross River
Across from Ross River Dena Store
PO Box 107, Y0B 1S0
Ph: (867) 969-2243
Fax: (867) 969-2309

Km 1246 Alaska Highway
PO Box 97, Y0B 1B0
Ph: (867) 390-2531
Fax: (867) 390-2682

Watson Lake
Km 1007 Alaska Highway
Box 289, Y0A 1C0
Ph: (867) 536-7335
Fax: (867) 536-7331

Km 918 Alaska Highway
PO Box 2703, Y1A 2C6
Ph: (867) 456-3877
Fax: (867) 393-7404

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