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Final Interim Wood Supply Plan for the Kaska Yukon Traditional Territory 2005

The Environmental Assessment Screening Report - Interim Wood Supply Plan for the Kaska Yukon Traditional Territory 2005, completed May 2005.

The environmental assessment screening report is available for viewing.( PDF 719 KB)

Accompanying appendices:

Appendix 1 This will be posted once it is completed
Appendix 2 Stakeholder CommentsPDF 292 KB
Appendix 3  Letter received from N. MacLean (2005) PDF 47 KB
Appendix 4  Cumulative Effects  PDF 170 KB and Cumulative Effects Guide PDF 167 KB
Appendix 5  Mitigation Measures PDF 10 KB

Copies of the Report are available:

In Whitehorse:

Forest Management Branch at Mile 918 Alaska Highway
EMR Library in Room 335 Elijah Smith Building, 300 Main Street

In Watson Lake:

Watson Lake District (Mining Recorder) office - Km 1007 Alaska Highway

You may also request a copy of the report by contacting the Environmental Assessment Coordinator, Robin Sharples, at (867) 633-7919 or




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