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FOR RELEASE     #05-310
November 30, 2005


WHITEHORSE - Forevergreen Wood Products Limited of Watson Lake will receive Class F permits to harvest 340,000 cubic meters of fire salvage timber over the next 10 years in the Barney Lake and False Canyon Creek salvage harvest areas.

"I am very pleased to announce the awarding of these permits, as it exemplifies our goals for forest management in the Yukon. We are recognizing economic opportunities and we are taking action on them," Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Archie Lang said. "Making wood available in an area where there has been a wildfire is a good step towards improving long-term timber supplies to Yukon forest industry operators."

Forevergreen's proposal was a result of the Yukon government's request for proposals on ways to take advantage of economic opportunities from forest fire areas that burned in the area in 2004.

The Barney Lake and False Canyon Creek salvage harvest areas offer a unique opportunity to salvage saw-log quality timber as it was a ground fire that passed through the forest.

The Kaska-Yukon Forest Management Committee, which is comprised of Yukon government and Kaska First Nation representatives, recommended disposition of this fire salvage timber last spring.

"I wish Forevergreen every success in the future and I applaud their proposal as it could very well lead to future employment opportunities for Yukoners," Lang added.

The Forest Management branch is working towards round wood and commercial fuel wood harvest planning areas throughout the territory.  This week, permits have also been issued for 55,000 cubic meters for saw-logs and commercial fuel wood in the Quill Creek planning area of southwest Yukon.

Commercial timber harvesters are encouraged to obtain three-year permits to provide greater certainty for longer-term planning.


 Peter Carr  Ron Billingham 
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Outreach/Special Projects, Energy, Mines and Resources
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8786


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