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Barney Lake

The Environmental Assessment Screening Report-Fire Salvage Project for Barney Lake Fire 2004 was finalized on July 12, 2005.

The environmental assessment screening report is available for viewing (PDF 84 KB)

Accompanying information:

Appendix 1 Fire Salvage Project for Barney Lake Fire-2004 PDF  1 MB
Appendix 2 Stakeholder Comments Received By the Forest Management Branch
Yukon Forestry Association  PDF  196 KB
Yukon Government - Heritage  PDF  16 KB
Southeast Yukon Proper Land Use Society  PDF  15 KB
Yukon Conservation Society  PDF  36 KB
Environment Canada  PDF  111 KB
Appendix 3 Map  PDF  2 MB

Hardcopies of the report are available for viewing at the Forest Management Branch (Mile 918 Alaska Highway, Whitehorse), Energy, Mines and Resources Library (Room 335 Elijah Smith Building, 300 Main Street, Whitehorse) and the Watson Lake District (Mining Recorder) office (KM 1007 Alaska Highway, Watson Lake).

You may request a copy of the report by contacting the Environmental Assessment Coordinator, Robin Sharples, at (867) 633-7919 or



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