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Environmental Assessment

On November 28, 2005, the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) came into effect.  YESAA is the legislative framework for the Development Assessment Process that has been set out in the Yukon First Nations land claims agreements.  Under YESAA, social and economic impacts of proposed development along with the environmental impacts of that development are independently assessed in one assessment. 

Depending on the size of the forestry project, the project will be either assessed by Designated Offices or the Executive Committee.  Projects >1,000 m3 but <20,000 m3 will be assessed by the DO.  Based on locality, projects assessed at the DO level will be assessed in Haines Junction, Whitehorse, Dawson City, Mayo, Watson Lake or Teslin.  The DO completes assessments and issues recommendations.  The FMB considers these recommendations and a decision document is prepared.  The decision body will either recommend that the project should proceed or not. 

Forestry projects that are >20,000 m3 are assessed by the Executive Committee in Whitehorse.  The EC will complete the assessment and make recommendations.  The FMB will write a decision document in response to the EC recommendations by accepting, rejecting or varying the recommendations.

You may request a copy of the environmental assessment reports by contacting Robin Sharples, Environmental Assessment Coordinator at (867) 633-7919 or via email at

Current Environmental Assessments

  • There are no forestry projects currently under assessment.

Finalized Assessments

See Operational Planning for other finalized assessments.


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 29-03-2006