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Teacher Support

We offer a number of products and services to assist Yukon teachers in their environment and conservation education efforts. These are summarized below. You can also download "An Educator's Guide to Environment Yukon" (720Kb PDF).

Resource Guides for Teachers:
It all started in 1990 with Project WILD … now there are many, many more special learning guides available to Yukon teachers. Topics include wolves, biodiversity, protected areas, caribou, and more.

Encouraging student involvement in meaningful research work:
We believe that young people learn best by doing, especially when collecting useful data for scientific research. To this end, we encourage Yukon teachers to involve their students in national and international monitoring programs.

Networking and Newsletter:
We like to keep abreast of regional, national and international happenings in environmental education, and pass news on to teachers whenever possible. To assist in this effort, we publish an environment and conservation newsletter, WILD Yukon 2000 (446 KB - PDF) WILD Yukon 2002.(1.1MB - PDF) Wild Yukon Nov 2002(1MB - PDF)

Looking for teaching ideas on a particular environmental, wildlife or conservation subject? We may not have all the answers, but we've seen and collected a lot of materials over the years. Our environmental and conservation education library expands regularly! Give the Conservation Education Coordinator a call at 667-3675. At the very least, we can point you in the right direction...

Guest Speakers:
You know the value of a good classroom interpretive talk … our Department has a wealth of knowledgeable staff to assist you! Get one to do a lively presentation on the renewable resource topic of your choice. Call the Innovators in the Yukon office at 668-8739 to make arrangements. We're particularly keen to try our new special resource kits on bears, sheep, caribou, wolves, wetlands, owls and raptors.

Special Events:
We take a lead role in several events with a school component, including the Celebration of Swans, National Wildlife Week, Yukon Biodiversity Awareness Month, Wild Discoveries events and Oceans Day.

General Publications:
You are probably familiar with some of the 120 free publications that our Department offers to the public. Many are suitable for classroom use but the full list is available too. You can obtain copies by phoning the Publications Officer at 667-3415, or faxing your list to 393-6219.

For more information contact:

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 02-11-2005