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Climate Change

Climate change is a called the most significant and unique with impacts that are very wide in scope. Health, agriculture, transportation, infrastructure, wildlife populations and economic development will all be impacted by climate change and solutions will require a comprehensive and integrated approach.

 Atmospheric scientists agree that the temperature of the earth's atmosphere has risen sharply in the last hundred years, and will continue to rise faster than ever before. Humans contribute to this temperature change by burning fossil fuels. Scientists are projecting that the rate of warming in Yukon will be even greater then other regions.


The science behind climate change is complex, but people agree that a sudden and drastic change in the earth's climate will have profound effects on humans, animals and plants. These links will help you to learn more:  

  • Climate Change: A Primer (PDF 140Kb)
  • Climate Change in the Yukon (PDF 140Kb)
  • Reducing Home Energy Use (PDF 131Kb)
  • Transportation and Greenhouse Gases (PDF 115Kb)
  • Yukon Climate Change Research (PDF 116Kb)

    We are already seeing the effects of a changing climate in the Yukon. Arctic ecosystems are particularly sensitive to changes in climate; melting of permafrost may disrupt wildlife migrations, change growth and distribution of plants, and lead to the release of even more greenhouse gases from our frozen soils. These changes affect our northern lifestyle and culture along with industrial activity in the north.

    In Yukon, and across the circumpolar north, the effects of climate change are becoming more apparent and better understood.  Yukon is experiencing impacts such as thawing permafrost, increased glacial melting, rising sea levels on the north coast, beetle infestations across southern spruce forests and more extreme weather events.  These climate change impacts are threatening the structural integrity of buildings, highway infrastructure, are impacting traditional ways of life, damaging heritage sites and increasing the risks, costs and impacts of forest fires.

    The Yukon government is strongly committed to reducing local emissions of greenhouse gases, examining the impacts of climate change on northerners, and preparing for the changes to come. The Government of Yukon Climate Change Strategy outlines how the government will build on existing programs, activities and experience to respond to the impacts of climate change. The next step will be to outline the specific actions and initiatives that the government will undertake to implement the strategy through the development of a Climate Change Action Plan.

    Accurate and up-to-date information for researchers, industry, government and the public will lead to a better understanding of how climate change affects northern communities and ecosystems. The Northern Climate Exchange, a partnership between the Government of Canada, Yukon College and the Yukon government, was established to share information and promote understanding of the challenges and issues around climate change.


    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 07-09-2006