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Environment Act and Regulations

Here you'll find information about the Yukon's landmark Environment Act and the 13 sets of regulations developed since 1991.

Much of this is technical information aimed at people who need to know the laws that apply to their industry or business. But this section also includes descriptions of public programs designed to support the goals of the Environment Act. In the recycling section, for example, you can find out what materials are recyclable and where the depots are located.

You can see the different Environmental Topics in the first column of the table below. Click on any of the links in the Public Information Pages column to find descriptions of our programs and regulations. You'll also find helpful guides and discussions of environmental issues. If you are looking for the text of the Environmental Regulations, click on any of the links in the third column.

Under Environmental Assessment, you'll find an outline of how the department ensures that renewable resources are protected when development proposals and land use applications are processed.

A PDF version (650KB) of the full text of the Environment Act is available here.

Environmental Topics

Public Information Pages

Environmental Regulations

Keeping Our Air Clean

Summary of Air Emissions Regulation

Air Emissions Regulation
(PDF 36Kb)

Cleaning up
Contaminated Sites

Contaminated Sites Regulation

Contaminated Sites Regulation

Contaminated Sites Process

Risk Assessment

Land Treatment Facilites /
Landfarming: General Information

Land Treatment Facilities
(Guidelines for Construction, Operation
and Decommissioning)

A Summary of the 2002
Amendments to the Yukon Contaminated
Sites Regulation

 Water Quality Standards

Protocol #2
Use of Certified Labratories
for the Analysis of Samples taken in relation to the Contaminated Sites Regulation

Protocol #3
Sampling Procedures for Soil Samples
Taken In Relation to the
Contaminated Sites Regulation

Protocol #5
Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analytical
Methods and Standards

Managing Hazardous Waste

What you need to know about
Special Waste Regulation

Special Waste Regulation
(PDF 74Kb)

Guide to Yukon Special Waste Regulation

Disposal Options for your Special Waste

Disposal Options for your
Photochemical Waste

Special Waste Handling Guidelines
for Owners and Operators of
Solid Waste Disposal Facilities

Dust Suppressants

Used Antifreeze

Used Solvents:
Handling, Storage and Disposal

Storing Special Waste:
Options for Special Waste Generators

Why you should be concerned about Used Oil

Used Oil from Piston Engine Aircraft

Why you should be concerned about
Waste Lead Acid Batteries

 Guide for Used Oil Burner Operators

Household Hazardous Waste:
A Guide to Handling and Disposal

Transportation of Special Wastes

Guideline on Waste Oil Blending

Managing Garbage Sites

New Rules for Managing Garbage

Solid Waste Regulation
(PDF 43Kb)

What You Can Do To Reduce Garbage

Guidelines for the Preperation of Solid Waste Management Plans

Managing Tires

Used Tire Management Program

Designated Materials Regulation
(PDF 36Kb) 

Tire Storage

 Information for Retailers about new Tire Surcharge

Protecting Earth's
Ozone Layer

Information For Consumers on the Ozone
Depleting Substances Regulation

Ozone Depleting Substances
and other Halocarbons Regulation

(PDF 90Kb)

Information For Technicians on the Ozone
Depleting Substances Regulation

Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning Systems
and Ozone Depletion

Managing Pests
and Pesticides

Pesticide Use in the Yukon

Pesticides Regulation
(PDF 148Kb)

Summary of Pesticides Regulation

Pesticide Applicator Certificates

Pesticide Vendor Permits

Pesticide Service Permits

Pesticide Use Permits

Adult Mosquito Control

Rodent Problems?

Safe and Responsible Pesticide Use

Natural Pest Control for Your Home

Natural Pest Control for Your Garden

Beverage Container

Deposits and Refunds

Beverage Container Regulation
(PDF 42Kb)

Container Return Statistics

The Recycling Club

Recycling Fund Regulation
(PDF 10Kb)

Cleaning up
Hazardous Spills

Summary of Spills Regulation

Spills Regulation
(PDF 27Kb)

Spill Response Plans

Storing Fuels and Chemicals

Summary of Storage Tank Regulation

Storage Tank Regulation
(PDF 45Kb)


Testing Requirements When Removing or Abandoning Storage Tanks


Yukon Council on
Economy and Environment

Summary of Yukon Council
on the Economy
and the Environment Regulation

Yukon Council on the Economy
and the Environment Regulation

(PDF 24Kb)

Administering the Act

Summary of Administrative Regulation

Administrative Regulation
(PDF 53Kb)

Environment Act and Regulations

Administrative Regulations, Guide to the
Adult Mosquito Control
A Summary of the 2002 Amendments to the Yukon Contaminated Sites Regulation
Container Return Statistics
Contaminated Sites Process
Contaminated Sites Regulation
Contaminated Sites Regulation Disclaimer
Determination of Contamination
Disposing of Photochemical Wastes
Disposing of Special Wastes
Dust Suppressants
Guide for Used Oil Burner Operators
Guidelines for the Preparation of Solid Waste Management Plans
Guide to Yukon Special Waste Regulations
High Lead in Used Oil From Piston Aircraft
Household Hazardous Waste: A Guide to Handling and Disposal
Information for Retailers About the New Tire Surcharge
Guideline on Waste Oil Blending
Land Treatment Facilities and Landfarming
Land Treatment Facilities (Guidelines for Construction, Operation and Decommissioning)
Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning Systems and Ozone Depletion
Natural Pest Control for Your Garden
Natural Pest Control for Your Home
New Rules For Managing Yukon Garbage
New Rules for Ozone Protection: Information for Technicians
Options for Storing Special Waste
Pesticide Applicator Certificates
Pesticide Service Permits
Pesticides Regulations
Pesticide Use in the Yukon
Pesticide Use Permits
Pesticide Vendor Permits
Protection of the Ozone Layer: Information for Consumers
Protocol #2
Protocol #3
Protocol #5
Risk Assessment
Rodent Problems?
Safe and Responsible Pesticide Use
Site does not pose a threat
Site Poses a Threat
Special Waste Regulations
Special Waste
Spills Regulations
Storage Tank Regulations
Summary of Air Emissions Regulation
Tire Storage
The Recycling Club
Used Antifreeze
Used Batteries
Used Oil
Used Solvents: Handling, Storage and Disposal
Used Tire Management
Water Quality Standards
What You Can Do To Reduce Garbage
Yukon Council on the Economy and the Environment (YCEE) Regulations
Yukon's Deposit-Refund System for Beverage Containers
Spill Response Plans
Testing Requirements When Removing or Abandoning Storage Tanks

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 03-11-2006