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Information for Non-Resident Hunters

As a non-resident of the Yukon, the only animals you can hunt on your own in the summer, without a licensed guide, are rabbits, ground squirrels and porcupines. In the fall, after September 1, you can also hunt grouse, ptarmigan and waterfowl without a guide.

You can see that hunting is not going to be a big part of your Yukon experience if you are coming up for a summer wilderness trip.

Small game
You must have a valid licence to hunt small game such as rabbits, ground squirrels, porcupine, grouse and ptarmigan. Small game hunting licences are available at Environment Yukon offices, the main Yukon government building in Whitehorse and selected sporting goods stores. You'll receive a copy of the Yukon Hunting Regulations Summary when you pick up a licence.

Migratory birds
You must have a valid permit to hunt migratory birds such as ducks and geese. Migratory bird hunting permits are available at federal postal outlets throughout the Yukon. You will receive a copy of the migratory bird hunting regulations when you obtain your permit. Open season for most migratory birds runs from September 1 to October 31.

Big game
You cannot hunt big game animals in the Yukon unless you are outfitted by a licensed outfitter and accompanied by a licensed big game guide. Big game animals include moose, caribou, mountain sheep, mountain goat, black bear, grizzly bear, wolf, coyote and wolverine. For a list of big game outfitters contact the Yukon Outfitters Association.

For more information about big game hunting, contact an Environment Yukon office.

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 03-02-2005