Last modified on: May 19/05

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Welcome to the Yukon Geological Survey's Interactive Map Gallery.
Click the thumbnails to view the associated map. Each map consists of various data layers.
Please check back to see the products available- Recent Publications.

Pop-ups are utilized on each map gallery site.  Please disable any pop-up blockers
you may be using.

Bedrock Geology
  • Bedrock Geology
  • Mineral Occurrences
  • Topographic base data
  • Yukon Mosaic Imagery
  • First Nation Land Claim Selections
  • Mineral Claims
  • Geophysics

Bedrock Geology Legend

Regional Stream Geochemistry
  • Bedrock Geology
  • Mineral Occurrences
  • Stream Sediment Geochemistry
  • Topographic base data
  • Yukon Mosaic Imagery
  • First Nation Land Claim Selections
  • Mineral Claims
  • Geophysics

Periodic Table

Statistical anomaly maps available for:

  • Cassiar Platform
  • Insular
  • Intermontane
  • North American Shelf
  • Northern Shelf
  • Selwyn Basin
  • TJK Seds
  • Yukon-Tanana Terrane

  • Placer Operations
  • Placer Activity
  • YPA Stream Classifications
  • Glacial Limits
  • Bedrock Geology
  • Mineral Occurrences
  • Topographic base data
  • First Nation Land Claim Selections
  • Mineral Claims
  • Yukon 90m Mosaic Imagery
  • Geophysics

Selwyn Basin
Related Pages

  • Bedrock Geology
  • Mineral Occurrences
  • Stream Sediment Geochemistry
  • Topographic base data
  • Yukon Mosaic Imagery
  • First Nation Land Claim Selections
  • Mineral Claims
  • Geophysics

Kluane Map Gallery
  • Bedrock Geology
  • Mineral Occurrences
  • Stream Sediment Geochemistry
  • Topographic base data
  • Yukon Mosaic Imagery
  • First Nation Land Claim Selections
  • Mineral Claims
  • Geophysics