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      Here are some of the resources offered by the Agriculture Branch.
  • Agriculture Policy Framework (APF)
    In Summer 2002, the Government of Yukon signed the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Framework Agreement on Agriculture and Agri-Food Policy for the Twenty First Century, also known as the Agriculture Policy Framework (APF).

  • Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program
    To monitor Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Yukon cervids the Government of Yukon implemented a Mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program and a Voluntary Chronic Wasting Disease Certification Program in 2003.

  • Extension Services
    We offer on-farm and in-office consultations to commercial producers, hobby farmers and other interested people throughout the Yukon.

  • Master Gardener Course
    We train volunteers by providing them with information and technical instruction in northern gardening techniques to assist home gardeners.

  • Yukon Geography, Climate & Soil
    This page has a general overview of the geography, climate and soil found in Yukon.


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 01-11-2006