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Boards and Councils

A Yukon First Nation Final Agreement provides for the establishment of a Renewable Resources Council in a First Nation's Traditional Territory and seven -- the Alsek, Carmacks, Dawson District, Selkirk, North Yukon, Teslin and Mayo District Renewable Resources Councils -- have been established.

Renewable Resources Councils are independent public interest advisory bodies that may make recommendations on any matter related to the conservation of fish and wildlife, the establishment of Special Management Areas and to forest resources management.

The Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board was established as an independent advisory body under the Umbrella Final Agreement to make recommendations on fish and wildlife management in the Yukon.

A Wildlife Management Advisory Council provides joint planning by native people and government in the Yukon North Slope.

For Boards and Councils information, please contact:
Claims Implementation and Aboriginal Affairs
Department of Environment
Phone: (867) 667-3092
Toll free (in Yukon): (1-800) 661-0408, local 3092
Fax: (867) 393-6213

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