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Be Bear Aware

In the North, children playing outdoors and exploring their surroundings – even near home – can be at risk of encountering a bear. So it is very important that they know what to do. Often a child’s first thought is to “play dead.” As a first response, this is incorrect, and is only warranted in certain situations. In some circumstances, playing dead may encourage a bear to be more aggressive.

The Be Bear Aware colouring book (PDF 336K) explains to kids what to do, and what not to do, when they are in bear country. Parents and teachers are encouraged to review the 7 Rules of Bear Safety with kids, and help them act out the steps to take if they encounter a bear. And yes, the information applies to adults too.

For more information on bears and bear encounters, read What to Do When You Encounter a Bear, and the Bear Safety section of Into the Yukon Wilderness.

A series of videos and DVDs has been produced by the Safety in Bear Country Society in cooperation with the International Association for Bear Research and Management. These productions are the consensus opinion of leading experts on bear behavior and its relevance to human safety.

Staying safe in Bear Country provides information to help reduce human injuries and property damage from grizzly and black bears throughout North America. This video will increase your knowledge of bear behavior and help you prevent bear encounters and attacks. It will allow you to appreciate bears and the places where they live.

Working in Bear country has information about field safety including: employee responsibilities, helicopter support; campsafety including: location and design, attractant management; Bear Detection Systems; Bear Deterants; Firearms; Bear Response Planning. It is essential to view Staying safe in Bear Country before viewing Working in Bear Country.

Living in Bear Country provides practical advice on ways to minimize problems with bears in the places that people live. This program shows how making a few simple adjustments to our daily routine can reduce property damage and increase human safety.

These productions are available from Distibution Access at: Toll-free 1-888-440-4640, Fax 1-780-440-8899,, or

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