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Last modified on: Feb 15/06

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Tammy Allen
Petroleum Assessment Geologist

Tammy graduated from Dalhousie University of Nova Scotia with her B.Sc. and M.Sc. Her Bachelor's focused on carbonate rocks while her Masters focused on the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and source-rock potential of Upper Carboniferous rocks. While living in Nova Scotia and attending university, Tammy worked at the Geological Survey of Canada on the Magdalen Basin NATMAP project (1993-1996), mapping sedimentary rocks on Cape Breton Island.

Tammy was employed as a Senior Geological Assistant by the Yukon Geology Program from 1997-2001, working on various projects, including the Mayo Placer Research Project, a study of heavy minerals in placer deposits, a mapping project of coal-bearing strata at Division Mountain as well as the Central Foreland NATMAP project (La Biche portion). After Tammy's second summer of slogging through bush in the LaBiche region, she took a temporary assignment with the Oil and Gas Management Branch of YTG. Tammy worked at the OGMB for a couple of years as a petroleum geologist working on resource assessments and land use planning initiatives. Following her time at OGMB, Tammy took a two year hiatus from geology and worked as a research officer with the Dept. of Tourism and Culture.

Tammy is currently working with the YGS as a petroleum assessment geologist. Tammy's role is to collect field data that will be relevant to updating Yukon petroleum assessments. Field activities for summer 2006 will focus on detailed measurement, interpretation and sampling stratigraphic sections of Upper Paleozoic rocks of the Peel region. This study is part of the larger multidisciplinary "Regional Geoscience Studies and Petroleum Potential, Peel Plateau and Plain" spear-headed by the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office Petroleum Group and the Geological Survey of Canada.