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Last modified on: March 18, 2004

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Steve Israel
Project Geologist


Steve has been working as a project geologist with the Yukon Geological Survey since January 2004. His expertise is mainly in the areas of structural geology and tectonics and he has several years experience in regional bedrock mapping including projects with the geological surveys of Canada and British Columbia mainly within the Canadian Cordillera but also in Nunavut and the Appalachians. His most recent projects have included examining the structural controls on porphyry and vein type mineral deposits (southwestern British Columbia and Yukon) and large-scale orogenic processes (west-central British Columbia).

He received his B.Sc. from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and a M.Sc. from the University of British Columbia. He is currently working towards his PhD at UBC.

Israel, S and Kennedy, L.A. (2003): Geology of the Atnarko metamorphic complex, south Tweedsmuir Park, west-central British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2003-A3, 8 p.

Israel, S. and Kennedy, L.A. (2002): Reconnaissance of structural geology of the Atnarko metamorphic complex, southern Tweedsmuir Park, British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2002-A12, 8 p.

Israel, S. and Kennedy, L. A. (2000): Geology and mineralization of the Tchaikazan River area, southwestern British Columbia (92O/4). in Geological Fieldwork 1999, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Paper 2000-1, pages 157-172.

Schiarizza, P., Israel, S., Heffernan, S. and Zuber, J. (2002): Geology of the Nehalliston Plateau, NTS 92P/7,8,9,10. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines Open File 2002-4, 1:50,000-scale Map.

Schiarizza, P., Heffernan, S, Israel, S. and Zuber, J. (2002): Geology of the Clearwater- Bowers Lake Area, NTS 92P/9,10,15,16. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines Open File 2002-15, 1:50,000-scale Map.

Schiarizza, P. and Israel, S (2001): Geology and mineral occurrences of the Nehalliston Plateau, south-central British Columbia 92P/7,8,9,10. in Geological Fieldwork 2000, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Paper 2001-1, pages 1-30.

O'Brien, S.J., Dunning, G.R., Dube, B., O'Driscoll, C.F., Sparkes, B., Israel, S. and Ketchum, J. (2001): New insights into the Neoproterozoic geology of the central Avalon Peninsula (Parts of NTS Map areas 1N/6, 1N/7 and 1N/3), Eastern Newfoundland. in Current Research (2001) Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey, Report 2001-1, pages 169-189.