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Last modified on: June 9/06

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Lara Lewis
Senior Geological Assistant

Lara has worked with the Yukon Geological Survey (YGS) since 2001 as a data clerk, field/GIS assistant, editor and, most recently, as an economic geologist.

Three summers of bedrock geology mapping in the Northwest Territories were capped off by a move to Whitehorse in 2000. A brief regional geochemical sampling project with Hudson Bay Exploration Ltd. led her up to the MacMillan Pass area in the summer of 2001. From 2002 to 2005, Lara worked as a field assistant to YGS project geologist Craig Hart looking at intrusion-related mineralization including gold, tungsten and emerald.

Fieldwork in 2006 involves looking at uranium potential of high-level felsic intrusions in the Dawson Range area and studying uranium mineralization in the Wernecke Breccia in northern Yukon.

Lara holds a BSc (honours) degree in geology from the University of Alberta (2000) and a BA in English from the University of Calgary (1994).