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2003 Robert E. Leckie Award Recipients

Frank and Karen Hawker

Industry and government would like to recognize and congratulate Frank and Karen Hawker for outstanding placer mining reclamation practices at Sixtymile River.

Frank and Karen Hawker have been mining the Sixtymile River area near Dawson since 1993. This ground had been previously dredge and dozer mined.

They believe that reclamation is part of the mining process and as a result, have consistently achieved restoration beyond what is required.

Mining this previously dredged area has brought organic materials, which were buried under coarser material during the dredging process, back to the surface to be redistributed over re-contoured tailings piles where they now encourage natural re-vegetation While contouring, the area was scarified to encourage entrapment of water and airborne seeds.

The area where the Hawkers have mined supports abundant natural re-vegetation in a short period of time and has been converted from a virtually barren dredge tailings and old abandoned cuts landscape to aesthetic rolling hills.

Geoffrey Jacobs of Downunder Joint Mining Ventures

Industry and government would like to recognize and congratulate Geoffrey Jacobs of Downunder Joint Mining Ventures for outstanding placer mining reclamation practices at Lousetown and Hunker Creek.

Geoffrey Jacobs has mined at two locations in the immediate Dawson area. Mining was conducted on the Lousetown bench across the Klondike River from Dawson City and on a bench of Hunker Creek from 2000-2003.

At Lousetown, the entire pit face was contoured for stability and safety. Relocated material was used and all wastes removed.

The bench at Hunker Creek had been mined by a number of previous operators. Mr. Jacobs undertook to clean up the site, remove fuel containers and oil pails, as well as miscellaneous waste materials. All the contouring was carried out, including the pit wall, which was then covered with an organic soil/root mix to promote revegetation.

Mr. Jacobs deserves this honourable mention for truly adding to the well-being of the community at large for his outstanding reclamation efforts.


ATAC Resources Ltd.

Industry and government would like to recognize and congratulate ATAC Resources Ltd. for Outstanding Quartz Mining Reclamation Practices at Mechanic Creek.

ATAC Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company, based in Vancouver, BC. They were founded in the year 2000 to explore for gold in the Yukon. Their commitment to reclamation is "to accomplish as good a job as it is humanly possible to do".

In 2001, they undertook exploration on the Golden Revenue property at Mechanic Creek. The area was heavily disturbed with many old trenches scarring the landscape. Where the company partially entered these dated trenches, they restored the entire trench. In addition, organic debris was collected throughout the area, and transported to be used for site reclamation. They turned what was unsightly and potentially a fire hazard into an ecological benefit.

The company has been actively removing waste such as scrap metal and plastics from the area and consulting with local placer miners for possible recycling, prior to removal.

The reclamation activities undertaken by ATAC Resources Ltd. were a huge effort and they are without doubt worthy recipients of this award.

Viceroy Minerals Corporation

Industry and government would like to recognize and congratulate Viceroy Minerals Corporation for innovation and leadership in reclamation technology at Brewery Creek.

Viceroy Minerals Corporation is a Vancouver based company that operates at Brewery Creek near Dawson City.

This company has undertaken progressive reclamation at the site since operations began in 1996. Reclamation work is nearing completion and demonstrates the company's continuing commitment to its obligations. The majority of the mines area has been reclaimed and work on most of the waste rock dumps and pits is complete. This work has reduced the outstanding liability of the site. The reclamation project has been done in a responsible, professional manner and Viceroy has won two previous awards for its outstanding clean up practices at the mine.

Viceroy is being cited today for leadership and innovation shown in mine reclamation:

  • Staging of mine open pit development for waste rock disposal, reducing surface disturbances;
  • Heap detoxification and neutralization with innovative technology – nutrient addition with a contingency biological treatment cell;
  • Stockpiling and reuse of organic soils as a growth media for reclamation; and
  • Testing of revegetation, seeding with native and non-native species.

    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 07-09-2005