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In November of 1998, the federal government transferred responsibility for oil and gas to Yukon. The Yukon Oil and Gas Act came into effect at that time.

  • Yukon Oil and Gas Act (YOGA) ( 1.3 MB)
    The Yukon's Oil and Gas Act (YOGA) was passed by the Yukon Legislative Assembly and received royal assent in November of 1998. Revised Statutes of Yukon 2002 version as a PDF.


Oil and Gas Regulations Version Date
Drilling and Production Regulations ( 1.5 MB) Final July 2004
Geoscience Exploration Regulations ( 126 KB) Final July 2004
Licence Administration Regulations ( 223 KB) Final July 2004
Disposition Regulations ( 201 KB) Final August 1999
Transfer Regulations ( 258 KB) Final November 1998
 Royalty Regulations Being drafted


Guidelines for each set of regulations are being developed. As more guidance notes are created, they will be posted here.


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 03-02-2006