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Youth Directorate - Winter Activities Program

Youth Directorate - Hockey

Through the Winter Activities Program, the Youth Directorate offers funding to 16 rural communities and Kwanlin Dun First Nation to offer activities, training and employment for youth.  Depending on the community, it may be the First Nation, municipal government or a recreation society that receives the funding.  While there is one lead organization that is responsible for the money, the program is meant to benefit all youth in the community.  One of the important components to this program is a requirement for youth to be consulted on what should be offered each year. 

While this program is funded by the Youth Directorate, it is administered through Crime Prevention Yukon.  In September each year, Crime Prevention Yukon asks the host organization in each community to develop its plan to offer activities between October 1 and May 31.  A committee of government and non-government officials reviews the plans to be sure they meet the criteria of the program.  Once the plans are approved, funding is sent to the host organization and the fun begins!  Over the years youth have been involved in many different outdoor activities, skills development and training sessions and arts and cultural programs. Here are some examples:


  • Muskrat/Ice fishing camp
  • Snowmobiling
  • Trapping
  • Trip to Whitehorse
  • Gym nights
  • Sledding
  • Reading Program
  • Archery
  • Halloween Party
  • Skiing/Snowboard (in community and at Mt. Sima)
  • Arctic Sports/Dene Games
  • Girls’/Guys weekend trip
  • Speed Skating
  • Christmas/New Year celebrations
  • Skating party
  • Dances
  • Snow Sculpture
  • Snow Caving/Quinzhee huts
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Movie nights
  • Computer Club
  • Canada Games Centre Activities
  • Hip Hop
  • Snowshoeing
  • Dog sledding
  • Willow Sculptures
  • Valentines Crafts
  • Winter Carnival
  • Easter Crafts
  • Hockey
  • Volleyball
  • Curling
  • Electronic Gaming party
  • Hand Games
  • T-shirt painting
  • Winter golf
  • Attend BYTE youth conference
  • Trapping skills
  • Wilderness survival/safety
  • Radio Broadcasting
  • Babysitting course
  • Hockey Referee Clinic
  • Air Cadets
  • First Aid training
  • Traditional Carving
  • Fashion Design
  • Music Lessons
  • Traditional medicine
  • Web design training
  • Cooking classes
  • Nutrition
  • Snowmobile Safety
  • Firearms Safety
  • Food Safety
  • Drug Awareness
  • Coaching certification


Contact Us

Judy Thrower
Youth Directorate
Government of Yukon
Box 2703, A-8Y
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-8213
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 8213
Fax (867) 393-6341

Drop in to our office:
#2-407 Ogilvie Street
Whitehorse, Yukon

Previous Page Last Updated 25-08-2006